I enjoy cooking, my mother taught me how to cook when I was a kid. When I was in my twenties, I worked at a resort on St. Simons Island. I remember watching the Gourmet Chefs planning and putting together meals for the guests at the hotel, the food looked fantastic. Sometimes there were photographers there to take pictures, I always thought that was so cool. I could not understand how these pictures would come out in such details, especially when I see them in the local magazines. Now, I understand how all that stuff works LOL, it’s the camera they use.

The other day I was preparing dinner (sirloin steak, baked potato, and green beans) and then I had an idea. I wanted to take a picture of the meal just like they do in the magazines. So, I got my camera, one of the settings is used for taking pictures of food, so I tried it. I must have taken ten photos, they looked great on the little LCD camera display. Then when I downloaded them to my laptop my mouth dropped to the floor. The pictures were beautiful for my first time. It goes to show you that anyone can be a photographer (lol). Don’t get me wrong there is much more work involved in photography, I am still learning the basics of it. I am sure you can get good quality photos with the camera on a phone, but the experience of holding an actual camera, focusing the lens (or using the automatic focusing feature) and choosing the correct filter is the fun part of owning a digital camera (in my opinion). See for yourself in the photo gallery below the pictures are really detailed, no editing was done on these photos. So, I guess the mystery is solved, it’s the type and quality of the camera that makes a difference.
Pyro Veteran